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Kirkby Thore School

Aim High


Welcome to Eagles Class

Welcome to Eagles Class which is made up of Year 5 and 6 children. Ms Pymm teaches four mornings of Literacy and Maths and one afternoon of PE and Computing. Eagles are taught by Miss Gittins in Kingfishers Class for four afternoons where the lessons are Geography, History, RE, Music and Art.  Mrs Lancaster will be teaching Eagles Class Maths and Science on Friday mornings.


This term our main topic is geography based: Our Local Area.



We will be using the novel ‘Out of Time’ by  Gill Jepson, who is a local author, to deepen our reading knowledge through VIPERS questions. In our non-fiction writing we are looking at postcards and non-chronological reports. 



Y5 and 6: decimals, negative numbers, shape, position and direction.

Y6: SATS preparation 



PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but this may vary, so please ensure PE kits are in school for the whole week. 

If you would like any more information, please don't hesitate to have a chat with Ms Pymm or Miss Gittins.

We welcome children from the term after they turn 3 for up to 30 hours a week. Explore our website for more information or email